The Eenzet car perfume ensures that every car smells like new. Thanks to air-tech technology, unpleasant odours are effectively neutralised and a pleasant smell is created. This car perfume removes unpleasant odours coming, for example, from pets or tobacco smoke. Thanks to its neutralising active ingredients and plant-based fragrances, New Car is also suitable for use on textiles, such as carpets, curtains, clothing and shoes.
More information
- 500 ml
- Removes unpleasant odours
- Suitable for use in cars, boats, caravans and other spaces
- Long-lasting effect
Instructions for using this car perfume
Spray the parts to be treated evenly with car perfume and then let it dry. In case of strong odour problems, repeat this procedure. This product contains less than 5% ethanol and no ionic tenside, cationic tenside and fragrance. The product is harmful to aquatic organisms. Therefore, avoid releasing its contents into the environment. Keep the car perfume out of the reach of children. The product is intended exclusively for the purpose described in the description.